martedì 20 novembre 2018

Sex education: Control of Procreation of Children - Erotica XV

one of the most common theoretical explanation models in sociobiology and anthropology for a large part of the communities of the world, has been that women are socially and culturally forced into monogamic relationships because that the male should be able to control that it really are his children, she gives birth to

now in modern times it is so that the woman herself with potency could control whose child she give birth to, using birth control pills and day after pills, or through other means, thus there is absolutely no biological reason why women on the basis of the above common explanation should live in a monogamic relationship

on the contrary, the man cannot control who he has a child with if he lives in a non-monogamic manner, condoms can break and otherwise he is dependent on the trust and guarantees of the sexual partner, which of course, for obvious reasons, not always are relying

so based on these aspects, and many many more, it is self-evident that the woman, in a relationship, may require a monopoly of the man’s seed and lust, while she is free to lust herself with others



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