domenica 6 settembre 2020

Summary of Landology in the books "Eurasiens språkfamiljer" - Landologica CDLXXV


These books are very useful for those interested in Landology as the Landi capture some of the oldest known European ethnicities in our ancestry, as well as the fact that our clan of Lando is among the oldest noble houses of Europe which are mentionend already way back in the dimm of Germanic ancient peoples, so these books could fill the role as a family ancestry book for our oldest pre-antiquity, antiquity and late antiquity, histories, as well as for some German peoples also the medieval stories, besides this the keys of the cultural contexts are given helping the understanding of all used symbolism. Understandingly, much is a bit of mythology.


The following points are extra noteworthy:


• As I have done a DNA-test, I write about this, including how much of our genome that is from the Neanderthals and the Denisovan people, I also describe these people, our ancestors, as well as the other human ancestors.

• I present the final result of my paternal Lando DNA test, coupled with genealogical facts, why the gens Cornelia / Cossus are of utmost importance, as explained here, as well as the Etruscans overall. A detailed description is written. - also my maternal DNA test with connections to the Pre-Indo-European populations of continental western Europe, probably the Vasconians, are presented.

• Our connection to Attila, the Hun, is presented, the Huns are discussed a lot as well.

• Concerning Indo-European mythology it is royalism, sacralism, the religion overall, the cultural context of the lions and wolf, Odinism, Freya, Diana, are of great cultural importance for our lineage. The mythology of the wolf is strongly linked and explained, the lion occurs in several of our arms as well.

• Concerning the eagle mythology and our coat of arms that is on front of the books, its context, origin, meaning and commencement.

• About the ancient Venetians, the ancient Latin people, about gens Cornelius, again, again and again.

• About the Germans and Germanic culture are widely written about, including one of the earliest mentioned tribes, the clan name Lando, already mentioned in the sources of antiquity. The gens of Lando / Landi is put in its context and how they later wander, with whom, and the entering into Italy. The connection to the later Hohenstaufen is proclaimed.

• About the Herminones / Irminones, Ingvaeones, as well as the Suebis, Chattis, Saxons and Bardis and Lode. All of interest for the landology.

• About the dynasties Amali and Balti, about our Gothic and Geutic ancestry, about the Goths, context, culture, origin, expance, history. About the Visigots and the Ostrogots.

• A lot about the Langobards, their culture, religion, our connection to it, Odinism and Freyism. The Landulfids. Culture, history, migrations, before Italy as well as the later existence in Italy. And Lando, therein of course.

• I explain and contextualise Lando's red coat of arm with the three hands in silver.

• The fleur-de-lis that we have in several arms are explained.

• An interesting explanation is given for the grey coat of arms with black hand, with a separated ethnic and cultural affiliation.

• About Lando's connection to the Ynglings, Ui Ímar, House of Munsö, the Scyldings, the House of Knýtlinga, dynasty of Völsunga and the Normands. If your have seen the historical incorrect series Vikings you may know the character Ragnar Lodbrok whom is part of our family, or at least his wife Aslaug and their children.

• Many distinct individuals, mostly of gens Cornelius, and the Julio-Claudian dynasty, are presented in the book in many places because of their big involvment in Roman political history, also other people from other more distant lineages do occur often.

• I write about the Moon dynasty, as well as of the clan Ashina, the Kassites, the Orontides, the Urartians, the Imperial Hittite dynasty, the Mitannians, the Achaemenids, the Medes, the Sassanids, the Pharnavazids, the Seleucidians, the house of David, the Ethiopic solomonic dynasty, the Sabaean house, the Galatians, the Mauritanian house, the Merovings, the Carolings, the Alemanni, the Thuringer, the Francs, the Burgundians, the Vandals, the Gepids, the Piast dynasty, and many many more who have direct or close relationship with the Landi in ancient time.

• There are also those who claim that we derive from the Sumerians, this is briefly presented and explained of the standpoint for the new religion created around this, however, the Sumerians are interesting in themselves.


So these books contain all, currently known, fact or mythical, family lineages and origins as well as the cultural contexts for the clan of Lando.


• As you probably know, it is genetically proven that Homo sapiens, living outside the original African continent, are genetically mixed with the Neanderthals as well with the Denisovan people, an Asian form of Neanderthals, this copulation has taken place at the time of the first emigration of the human race outside the mothercontinent, though taking place in the Levant so that all people out of Africa have Neanderthal blood in themselves, up to 5 percent. On page 25 I write that my DNA-study by National Geographic showed that I consist of 2,5 % Neanderthal blood and 1,2 % Denisovan, this later part is actually very interesting showing an ancestry from the Inner (or east) Asia. This branch of our ancestors is reviewed on pages 16-24.


• On page 151-152 I write that I self have published a book, Ainu menoko, written in the Ainu language, a tongue spoken by about 10 persons in the world, in order to counteract the extinction process. Of symbolic grounds I use the Landos coat of arms from Lando di Bindo in Siena on the front cover.


• On the pages 159-160 I write about the Hittite king Hattusili I who conquered Yamhad in the year 1600 B.C. which gave rise to massive influence from Hurritic culture upon Hittite culture. We are related to the Imperial Hittite dynasty.


This I have to explain a bit, according to this very interesting but somewhat speculative but also thurstworthy research:


Shows that we are distantly related to the egyptian pharaos of the dynasties: XII, XVII, XVIII, XIX, XX, XXI, XXII, XXIV, XXVI, the rest are apperent not within our lineage, that makes us also related to the Achaemenids, Seleucids, Arsacids, some armenian kings, Mamikonians, some Byzantic emperors, the Carolings wich has a direct relationsship with us the Landos.


I would also like to point out that through the Visigotich king Erwig there is a direct relationsship with the Mamikonian dynasty, whom according to historical narration are related to the House of Han in China.


The connections through time to the egyptian antiquity are in three different ways, through the Lando connection to the Carolings, going through queen Zenobia to the Ptolemic dynasty which is connected to the pharaonic dynasty XXII, as per se the others of Egyptian ground, or, through St. Arnulf, then going through gens Anicius, gens Asinius, Bassus, Severus, some Galatian kings, Philometer III, Ariarathes, and Antiochos II Theos I of Syria, then in to Egypt.


The connections to Egypt are in that way so sure that history enable us to see, according to the article, going through three possible ways. The connection to Zenobia is refered to in the above article, but also for example in the important books Settipani, 2015, Les ancêtres de Charlemange, p. 256 and Settipani, 2000, Continuite gentilice et continuite familiale dans les familles senatoriales romaines a l'epoque imperiale, pp. 433-448, the important link of the Galatian kings and their connections on p. 463-467.


It seems to be an almost direct lineage from the Palmyrian queen Zenobia which gives the connection to the Ptolemy dynasty, including famous Cleopatra, the Emesan royal dynasty (with Aramaic/Arabic ancestry), Drusilla of Mauritania (with Berbic, Greek, Roman and Assyrian ancestry), Julia Domna and the Severan imperial dynasty (including emperors Geta et Carcalla), as well as Carthagian Dido.


This egyptian, and abovementioned different dynasties of Iran and Armenia, could be said to be primary relationsships, but that also makes us have secundary relations with some other interesting dynasties since there were a lot of inter-mixing, the Egyptian connections through the different houses also give relationsships with the Babylonic Kassites, the Assyrian Adasi kings, the kings of Mitanni, the Imperial dynasty of Hittite, and we should also remember that the Egyptian dynasty XXII was of Berbic ancestry.



The two books by the renowned Settipani, 2015, Les ancêtres de Charlemange, and Settipani, 2000, Continuite gentilice et continuite familiale dans les familles senatoriales romaines a l'epoque imperiale, also show a direct lineage from the gens Cornelia but also from Julius Caesar and to the by him connected emperers such as Augustus, Tiberius, Nero, within the Julio-Claudian dynasty, as well as the imperial dynasty of Constantine, se for example Settipani, 2015:292-293.


• On page 160 I write about the so called Amarna letters which were written between the Hurritic king Tushratta and the pharaoh Amenhotep III, of the XVIII dynasty.


• On the pages 159-162 I write about the Hurrits, their history, ancestry, culture, language, religion.


• On pp. 160-161 I write about the Hittite king Hattusili III who married to Puduhpea, the daughter of the high priest of the goddess Šauška, a winged Hurritic counterpart to the Assyrian Ištar, being the goddess of fertility, goddess of war and goddess of health / healing, as well as becoming the goddess for protection / the patron goddess for Hattusili III.


• Since I on page 163 write that the Kassitic rulers often married with the Hittitic dynasty, the Elamic and Egyptian, these are also of interest, as described on pp. 163-164 as being overall part of the Hurritic ethnicity.


• On page 165 I point out the evenutal connection between the Orontid dynasty and the Urartan royal dynasty through king Rusa IV, making the pages 164-168 relevant for context and facts about them.


• On page 172 I inform that emperor Adermalk, of the Malkhis nation, married a Bosporian princess of our Archaeanactidae dynasty, about this Chechen people is written on pp. 172-173, with the very interesting political structure on pp. 176-177.


• p. 184 our connected Sargon of Akkad is mentioned, first ruler of the Akkadian empire.


• on p. 182 the theory about the pontic Mithirdates having lineage from the Kaskians are put forward, in which case they are of interest, on p. 182-183.


• on page 190 I explain the Herodotian thesis that the Colchians originate from an army sent there by the Egyptian pharaoh Senustret III, by dynasty XII, a thesis that cannot be rejected as said by the evidence thereabout.


• on page 192 the relevance continues concerning Colchis considering the dynasties Mithirdates, Pharnavavazid, Sassanid, the Constantian dynasty and Gnaeus Pompeius Magnus.


• on page 196 it is mentioned that Gnaeus Pompeius Magnus is the founder of Pamplona.


• p. 197. Since we are related to the kings of Navarra we are also related to the Basque king Íñigo Arista as well as his dynasty within the emirat of Baskuni, including the clan Banu Qasi, who also seems to be of partially noble Visigotic origin.


• on pp. 199-200 I write about Pompeius who founded the oppidum Lugdunum as the capital of the Convens, a city that later was leveled to the ground by saint Gunthchramn, a Merovingian king of Burgundy in the year 585, also this a relative.


• p. 205 mentions Publius Cornelius Scipio's deeds from Emportion, and the influence on Emporition by the persian king Cyrus the Great, both relatives to us according to the above mentioned story.


• p. 207-208 deeds by Gnaeus Cornelius Scipio Calvus.


• p. 208 about the deeds by Publius Cornelius Scipio, where he was killed by a lance at the battle of Castulo, the brother Gnaeus Cornelius Scipio Calvus was likewise killed some days thereafter at the battle of Illturgis. The honour of the Scipio family of gens Cornelia was saved for all future by the son Publius Cornelius Scipio Africanus who defeated Hannibal at Zama, why he received the name Africanus and the sobriquet the Roman Hannibal. He was also highly regarded by the Ilergetes people since after his conquest of Carthago Novo anno 2009 b.c. treated the women there with uttermost respect. When there was a romour about the health of Africanus and eventual death in the year 206 b.c. there was a revolt in Iberia, as well as a muteny by 8000 soldiers, but he managed to subdue them all, besides 35 decapitated individuals and crushed armées of the Iberians.


• On pages 207-210 and 212-213, I write about Hannibal Barca, and the Barcas, a relative of ours according to the genealogical research. On p. 213 about the marriage by Hannibal and the Oretanian princess Himilce, daughter to king Mucro of Kastilo.


• p. 210 writes about the big battle between Gnaeus Cornelius Scipio and the carthagian general Hanno at Cissa at the beginning at the second punic war.


• p. 211 about the pledge from the Edetan king Edecó to Publius Cornelius Scipio and his impact on the city of Akra Leuka, hereafter Lucentum.


• p. 219 I write about the wineyard that is on the land of Lando in the Coli Euganei between Verona et Padua, where one produces fine vulcanic wines, the Caferro vini which also uses our coat of arms on the bottles.


• p. 221 about the emperors Augustus, Nero Claudius Drusus, Tiberius in their relationship to Val Camonica.


• p. 228 I tell about the sardinian queen Eleonora of Arborea, one of the most highly regarded sardinian rulers who put forward a new constitution, Carto de Lugo, in the year 1395, which would come to be the law for the country until 1827. Her relation to us is that she eventually stemmed from the Visconti family, and absolutely married to the Doria family, their sons ruled later on.


• p. 230 I write about the sayings of Ramses III, of the XX dynasty, concerning the Sea peoples, also of the Amarna letters and pharaoh Akhenaten, of the 18th Dynasty, and on p. 258 about how the egyptians, under Ramses III, stopped the Sea peoples conquest in Egypt 1186 b.c.


• p. 249 is about when Publius Cornelius Dolabella ended the one hundred years war with the Galls in the year 283 b.c., making them withdraw from Ager Gallicus.


• p. 261 I put forward that it was the archduke Cosimo II of Etruria / Medici who was the patron for Thomas Dempster, the modern founder of etruscology. He was also the patron for Gallileo Gallilei.


• p. 262 when the Gothic chief Alarik of the house of Balti threatened to destroy Rome in the year 409 there were Etruscian fulguriatores with the Roman emperor to perform different etruscan rituals.


• p. 262 I write that the gens Cornelia / Cornelius which was one of Romes most powerful family with over 30 percent of the consuls, a gentes originarie, were probably of Etruscan heritage, named as Cossus, of a sacral priestly lineage. I connect the Cornelia to nowdays Venezian patriciens Cornèr / Cornaro. I explain that it was a priest of Cornelia who sacrified the holy cow, holifying the Temple of Diana, upon the Aventine Hill in Rome, to mark the foundation of the Latin League, in the 7th c B.C., as it is said of the prophet, that:


That man’s city was destined to become the greatest in all of Italy and its mistress.


Cornelius had of course stolen the cow from a Sabian farmer, but once the cow had been sacrified of the hand of Cornelius, Rome became the city of all eternity, which it still is, Roma æterna.


The Temple of Diane and the worship of Diana had been exalted by the second Etruscan king over Rome, Servius Tullius by influence from Diana Nemorensis and Devas Corniscas Sacrum. Today a wall is left by the temple at Piazza del Tempio di Diana, inside a restaurant.


Cossus is thought to have been the priestly family's Etruscan name before it was latinizied to Cornelia, the name seems to be a theonym concerning the horny god, like the greek Pan or celtic Cernunnos, worhsiping Diana, which is believed because in changing it to Cornelii, from latin corneus ‘horny’ by the diminuitive corneolus, but the family kept on using the name Cossus as a first and second name for several centuries within the dynasty in rememberence of the ancient family name and its lar familiaris.


Since the genealogical research put us directly in lineage from the gens Cornelia, and that I have DNA-test that support that, I took it upon myself to revive this family tradition, my son is named Cosïmo Cossus Lando, and, more importantly, I have written a booklet 𐌂𐌏𐌔𐌔𐌖𐌔𐌀𐌋, that is Cossusal, in the Etruscan language and alphabet containing the philosophy of Cossus and the religious aspect of it.


• p. 264. Rome was under Etruscan reign in the years 615-510 b.c., under the Tarquinian dynasty - it was during these years our Cossus arrived to Rome, Ruma in Etruscan.


• p. 265. Rome submerged Etruria bit by bit, it started with the city Veii, the most wealthy city of Etruria and second only to Rome concerning power in the non-greek parts of Italy. It was tribunus militum Aulus Cornelius Cossus who attacked the Etruscan king Larth Tulumnes in the year 437 b.c. becoming on of three spolia opima of all time for the Roman empire, as well as the first after the mytological spolia opima taken by Romulus.


• p. 265. When emperor Claudius, by the Julio-Claudian dynasty, should write the history of the Etruscans he could not find anyone else who understand the language, he himself is the last person who we know could read the language.


• p. 266 I write that we probable would have known more about Etruscan religion if the works by the neo-platonic Cornelius Labeo had come down to us through history.


• p. 270 Wealthy Roman women with Etruscan background, as the women within the dynasty of Julio-Claudians, were often called etrusca, which was a term used indicating their sexual appetite, since the Etruscan women in general was known for their beautifulness and sexual liberties.


• p. 270 the Etruscan inscription on the page is about 106-year-old Larth Felsnas from Capua who fought as a soldier for or against Hannibal.


• p. 273 I write about pope Alexander VI who made the fraudman Annio da Viterbo  to Pontificalis domus doctor.


• p. 275 I write about the DNA heritage of the Etruscan people, which point in the direction of Pre-Indo-European Anatolia, Caucasus and Transcaucasus, and my own paternal from the National Geographics which clearly points to a Preindoeuropean Toscan lineage, that is probable Etruscan, with earlier connection from east.


• p. 279-280 I write about Etruscan litterature that has gone missing through time, mentioning the 20th volume Tyrrhenikà by our emperor Claudius, who also by the way was married to an Etruscan Urganilla from a fine Etruscan family. Claudius is the last person we know of who could read Etruscan. He also wrote a dictionary where his knowledge and interviews he had with some elderly Etruscan people come down in writings, but since lost. I also mention that I with my paternal Etruscian DNA with dynastic connections to the Cornèrfamily has worked on revitalizing the language through writing the book Tu est Divina III which writings contains 11 percent in the Etruscan language, also some minor writings in Hittite and Luwian. Since then I have written a whole small book in Etruscan, the above-mentioned Cossusal.


• p. 291-293 About the inscription of Behistun, by Darius I, of the Achaemenid dynasty, and its importance for modern scholars to read Cuneiform.


• p. 302 about Sumerian religion and the modern awkward new-age-religion about the Anunnakis coming down from space as aliens to the people of the world giving us the fruits of civilization, some modern, quite a lot actually, believe that the Anunnakis lineage has formed the leading strata, the noble dynasties, in the Middle East and Europe, and then in America, with the ordinary real people working for them as slaves, or nearly slaves. Anyhow, we are part of this leading strata, both genealogically as socially, so I guess, we are extra-terrestrials as well.


• pp. 310-311 about the Elamitic culture and state.


• p. 397, 410 I connect the Huns to the Xiongnu / hsiung-nu, then also to the clan Ashina, and the older khanat of the Uighurs who connected themselves to a Xiongnu leader.


• p. 408-411 I write about the Hsiung-nu, and how the clan of Ashina took power over Jou-jan establishig the reich Gök, and about the huns who were mixed with a lot of eastern Germanic and Gothic peoples. For example about Bumïn, from A-shih-na who led the Jou-jan into Mongolia proclaiming himselft to be Ilig Qagan, the ruling emperor. I explain that the Huns were germanized, speaking Gothic, and that both the Gepids and Lombardic royal families are descents of Attila. I write about the wars between the Alano-Hunnic invaders to the Gothic greuthungians around the year of 370 after that the Amali king Aírmanareiks died a natural death, not glorious, and the descent Vithimiris taking power but losing against the Alano-Hunnic warriers anno 376 why most of the Ostrogoths were included into the Hunnic state. Some of the Ostrogoths fled to the Visigoths who were led by Atanarik escaping to the Carpathians. The Huns were at this stage honoured and proclaimed foederati of the Roman empire, a group of Huns were allowed to move to Pannonia. Some Huns went to war against the Easter Roman empire, attacking Thrakia, Armenia, Cappadokia, conquering parts of Syria and Eufratesia, attacking also the Sassanid empire which initialy went well but after a while the Persians defeated the Huns which had to whitdrawl to Caucasus. A great deal of Huns fought as merceries by both the Eastern- as well the Western Empire, and by Goths, for example had the brother-in-law to Alarik, Athaulf, Hunnic mercenaries south of the Julian alps in the beginning of the 5th centuary. The same year West Rome put 10 000 Huns in Italy and Dalmatia to stop Alarik from marching to Rome. I write about Attilas war against Byzantium in the year 447, and that Rome had to pay annual tribut to him after 449. Attila claimed that Honoria, sister to emperor Valentinianus III, of the Theodosian dynasty, was his future wife demanding half the empire as dowry, and the war that was to come from this diplomatic crisis. Year 451 he and his troops ride into Gallia with the support of Franks, Goths and Burgundians, against the Imperial armées supported by the Visigoths and some Franks, Attila was not pleased by the outcome of this encounter claiming again his right to marry Honoria putting together new armies and entering Italy and Padania itself, taking over Aquileia, Verona and Milan. Pope Leo I met Attila persuading him to turn back from Rome, which he did. After this debacle he turned his eyes to Constantinople instead but decided to marry the beautiful Ostrogothic princess Hildegard in the year 453, he died already on the wedding night by blood loose.


• p. 411-412 about the clan Ashina, which may have been of royal Saka ancestry, or of Tungusic heritage, other facts turn our eyes to the Tokharians, or according to one view from the Xiongnu. According to tradition, like Romulus et Remo also the Ashina were from a female wolf, Asena ‘female wolf’, chosen by Tengri to rule as khagans. I discuss their origin and different theories thereabout. They formed the Gökturkic Imperium around 550 but also after this several members of the clan have been ruling parties in many nomadic realms and was portrayed as quasi-divine within the shamantic religion as of there divine lineage.


• p. 415 About the Karakhanid dynasty, maybe descent of Ashina, and their state in Transoxania.


• p. 439 about the war between the Numidic king Massinissa against the Roman general Publius Cornelius Scipio.


• p. 440 about the Numidic kingdom and in western Algeria and northern Morocco was Mauretania, under king Bocchus and his House, in the years 110-40 b.c., which was of Ptolemaic and Julio-Claudian dynasties.


• p. 440 About Sheshonk I who as a pharaoh established the XXIIth Dynasty, about Getulia. How Cossus Cornelius Lentulus get the agnomen Gaetulicus. On p. 446 I also explain that the pharaos in the Egyptian XXIIth dynasty was titled ms ‘duke’.


• p. 441 About Lucius Cornelius Balbus who conquered 15 Garmatian settlements 19 b.c. receiving a triumph, it was the last triumph given to a private person in over 5 centuries.


• p. 462 about Sargon of Akkadia.


• p. 466 About how the Assyrian king Adasi, and Hittites conquest of Babylon, and the Kassits, overthrowing the Amorites from Babylonia.


• p. 469 it was pharaoh Necho II, by 26th dynasty, that is said to have sent an expedition through the Red sea and around Africa.


• p. 469 about king Cyrus the Great, of the Achaemenids, who took Phonecia in they year 539 b.c.


• p. 471 about the Egyptian statue  in Luxor by Ramses II, of XIXth dynasty, concerning the conquest of the Mu'abs.


• On page 471 I also write that Chemosh was one of the most important gods of the Mu'abs, interesting for landologist because king Solomo built a temple in his honour on the Mount of Olives why he became worshiped in Israel for at least 400 years before intolerance come in order by the king Josiah who destroyed the temple during the 700th century b.c. I also explain that king David of Judah had the Moab matriarch Ruth as an ancester, I write aboat the Mu'abs culture which only became Jewish after the destruction of the first Jewish temple. It was the grandson of David, the son of Solom, king Rehoboam, who rules 933-916 b.c. who absorbed the Moabites but they again wanted independance in the year 853 b.c.


• p. 472-473 about the Edomites who according to the Bible were descendants to Isaac and his son Esau. I Write about how king David, with nephew Joab, conquered the Edomites, a prince of the Edomites fleed the seen to Egypt returning after the death of David to revolt. Interesting enough is that the worship of Yahweh probably was situated in southern Edom before it came to Israel proper.


• p. 473 is also about the Ammonites, their culture and context, of special interest since queen Naamah, who was Ammonite, is the only wife that is mentioned given birth to king Solom, whereas she is the mother to the next king in line, Rehoboam.


• p. 474 About the wars by king Saul, David and Salomo against the Arameic kingdoms in the north of Israel. Two centuries from that the Arameic king Hazael write on the stone Tel Dan which is the only non-israelic nonbiblical historical reference on king Davids, and the House of Davids, existence.



About our Jewish connection and inthereof our connection to the House of David.


Some might have noticed that there are a lot of people, specially nowdays in the US, that is namned Landau being of Jewish ancestry from Jiddisch context, this is written with the Hebrew script לנדאו


The funny thing, this is in the germanic languages transcribed to Landau but if you transcribe the script into a Romance language it becomes Lando, thats why there are also a lot of jewish people in Israel named Lando, and not Landau, when spelled with Latin script. This explain why a Jewish person from Italy with the name of Lando, becomes Landau, when moving to a Germanic setting.


So, who are these Jewish people named Lando/Landau? Since late medieval time foremost living in Germany and later on the Germanic colonization and expansion over Eastern Europe, c. 10-16th century, forming the Jiddish culture there, the most of the people living in the US today, there are thousands of them, named Landau are from Eastern Europe, that is mostly from Belarus, Ukraine, Russia, and Poland. Several thousand Landi perished during the holocaust.


One girl in particular is worth mentioning, Emily Landau, who was the first Jew who died in the Warsawa rising, she threw a granade on some SS-soldiers and killed some of them, before being shot.


One of the most famous whose family went to Azerbaijan in the 18th century was Лев Дави́дович Ланда́у / Lev Davidovich Landau, the nobel prize winner who also was one of the person behind the Soviet nuclear weapons. One of the brightest person ever lived, it is said that he would have gotten the Noble prize twice if it wasent for a car accident, however, obviously not the peace prize.


The interesting thing about the Germanic Yiddisch speaking jews are that they all come from Italy, Italy which has have a Jewish minority since Roman times, I have written about this in Swedish, in the book Europas tungomål, but if you read about Yiddish people early history you will easily find it in English, in short: It was jews from Italy moving northwards to Occitania and then / or directly to the Rhineland who in the Medieval time changed their Romance language to a Germanic based tongue shaping the first Jews in Germanic countries developing Jiddish and then moving on with a expanding population throughout Germania and then also into Slavic countries in the East. Of course there were a lot of other influences as well, but that is of minor interest from our objective since we have a family connection which is confirmed in the hebrew genealogicals.


It is in the Hebraic and Jewish genealogical research one finds that the family of Landau/Lando is of Davidic descendent, se also that Kalonymus are a 'primary family', you cuold see it here:


Some of the movements and things I wrote above is mentioned in the link below, it also explain that the jews called Landau are descendent from the most famous medieval Jewish scholar Rashi, who in his self is said clearly to be of the House of David, having a genealogical Hebrew tree to prove it, and is of the above mentioned Kalonymus family. Read this link:


The Kalonymus in itself were recognized by the Merovingians as of Davidic ancestry and invited to Provence as princes, see about the Makhirs of Narbonne.


Interesting enough, the Kalonymus of Provence and Rashi moved to Occitania and Rhineland from Italy, that is from Capua, Benveneto and Lucca, where they had moved during the 700th century from Babylon, and in between Greece. It was in Lucca and Capua et Benveneto they picked up the Langobardic royal name Lando, which then in Germanic setting became Landau, it may have been of importance that the Lando family was connected to the Merovingians and later the Pippinids and Carolingians. They would not have picked up such a name without solid dynastic connection thereabout, not to mention that they also later on developed dynastic connections with the Carolingians. That would have been out of the question, especially since they were so well known by the elite in both Italy and France.


Rashi and the Kalonymids are famous, so there are a lot of it available on the internet, not the least since our family is deeply connected to the chasidic and kabbalistic philosophies in judaism.


Kalonymos, the name of a family which produced over a hundred Hebrew scholars and poets in the middle ages. They came from Italy and later lived in Germany and Provence

Cassell’s  Encyclopaedia of World Literature Volume II, 1954


• On p. 482-483 I write about the Queen of Saba and her relation with King Solomo and about the foundation of the Solomon dynasty of Ethiopia. In veneration of her and the Sabaic culture I also mention that I have written four poems in the sabaic language in my book Tu est Divina V. I also mention the Julio-Claudian emperor Augustus ambition to conquer the kingdom of Saba.


• On p. 541 I mention the Pornocracy / Saeculum obscurum / Rule of the Harlots which was a period of Vatican history when ruled by the Landulfidic dynasty of Theophylactids


• On p. 554, 558-559 are some relevant information about the mythology of wolves within Indo-European context, about 'gods hound', wolfsmen and to become a wolf, the werewolf, the waritreo. As I explain, it should be noted that the etymological correct North-Germanic term for wolf is not the modern term varg but ulf / ulv. I tell about the warrior bands of the Germanic people, as well as in the Anatolic Hittite and Greek tradition that the warrior dressed in wolf fur clothing which had magical possessions. In some parts these are called úlfhéðnar which were special warrior of Odin having also the spear as special mark.


• On p. 559-562 I also explain about other animals of interest, for example the lion which we also have in many of our coat of arms, especially the Jewish from Judah. Already the earliest Hittite king Anitta is called the Lion king. I explain that the lion were before living also in Europe, in southern Germany, Italy, Iberia, Balkan and Greece, as well as in Eastern Europe, it was not until about 20 b.c. that the lions get extinct in Italy, in Caucasus the lived on to the 900-th century, and the last known lion was killed in Turkey in the year 1870. The royal aura of the lion is described.


• On p. 562-563 I narrate the cultural context of the eagle, and especially the double-eagle which originated from the Hittite empire (with a picture from the city port of the center of the sun goddess city Alaca Höyük), later in history it was the Armenian dynasty Aršakuni who took it up in its armour, thereafter the byzantic imperial houses of Komnenos et Palaiologos, the Russians get it from a marriage from this dynasty, and the Lando dynasty has used the double eagle since princeps et anthypatos Landolfo I / Landufl I of Benevento in the 9th century which is seen in several wax seals in the generations to come, I explain that the picture on the front of the book is from the mosaic floor of Cappella Lando in San Sebastiano, Venezia, built in they year of 1531, but that the piece nowdays reside in Ca d'Oro.


• On p. 579-582 I write about the Hittite kings with start of Anittas, the oldest documented Indoeuropean king, with an excerpt of a document in original and translation as well, and the more known kings of the ancient kingdom.


• On p. 583 I write about the Hittite Uriah, from the Bible, who was married to Bathsheba. She was on her paternal side from Judah, from the tribe of David, but perhaps on her maternal side a Hittite. Regardless, she was the ancestral mother of king Solomon, the primordial mother of Jesus, as well as the Kalonymids, Rashi, and Landau.


• On p. 604 the pharao Thutmose III of the 18th dynasty is mentioned as mentioning Ermenen and the Achemid king Darius I who wrote the inscription of Behistuni mentioning Armina, the first time the exonym is written down.


• On p. 605 about the Arsacids and their impact on Armenia, for example the christining in a.d. 301.


• On p. 611 about the cornellii Lucius Aemilius Paullus and Publius Cornelius Scipio Nasica Corculum, how the overtook the authority over Thrakia.


• On p. 612-613, 631 it is about Philip II of Macedonia, but also about Rhoemetalces I who was king over Odrysia, but also the uncle of emperor Augustus as well as of a ancient Thracian royal dynasty.


• On p. 614 about Sextus Cornelius Clemens involvment in the warfare that ended the Costobocians way of life, and disappearence.


• On p. 633-634 about the conquest of the transalpine people of the Japodes.


• P. 634 is about the 160 years of war against the Dalmatians with the first Dalmatian war 156-155 b.c. led by Publius Cornelius Scipio Nasica Corculum who burned down their capital Delminium and built it up again.


• On p. 640 I put forward that Cornelius Nepos from Verona meant that the ancient Venetic people was of Paphlogonic ancestry who had come to the Adriatic 1200 b.c. and mixed with Euganeic people forming the ancient Venetic people, founding Padova in 1183 b.c.


• On p. 642 I write about how the triumvirat Publius Cornelius Scipio Nasica, Caius Flaminius and Lucius Manlius Acidinus put 3000 families from primarly Samnia, but also a few Venetians, to form the new Latin colony at Aquileia in the year 181 b.c. Later on in the year 169 b.c. Rome sent more people in under the leadership of Marcus Cornelius Cethegus. I write about the success of the city which was one of the biggest of the world until the Gothic Alarik and the Hunn Attila ravaged the area, Attila besieged Aquilea and ruined it in the year 452 a.d. This was when the Venetic and Roman people fled to the lagun founding Venice which stands to this day.


I also mention that the Ostrogots and then the Langobards arrived over the Julian alps från anno 568, the Langobards who settled in the area assimilated quickly to the veneto-roman culture, and that my own family Lando moved out to the lagun city during the 10th century, in the internal records the Landos of Venice are mentioned as coming from Altino, which was a bishop see which underwent the same fate as the nearby Aquileia.


• On p. 647 I draw comparison to the Etruscans Cossus, Latin Consus and the Lusitanian Cossue. There are theories connecting the Lusitanians to the Italian peninsula.


• On p. 653 about the consul Lucius Cornelius Maluginensis and his doings concerning the Æquian people anno 459 b.c. who had occupied Tusculum why Rome send in Lucius Cornelius who put Tusculum in the Tusculians hands again.


• On p. 654 how Publius Cornelius Dolabella saved Rome from the Senones in the year 283 b.c.


• P. 655 is about the cult of Diana performed by Rex Nemorensis at the Diana Nemorensis at the lake Nemorensis Lacus / Speculum Dianae.


• On p. 656-657 I write about the foundation of Rome, more importantly about Forum Romanum which come under buildings at 700 century b.c., for example the first royal palace Regia was built there, the senate Curia Hostilia was put on the loci of an Etruscan temple. After this building was ruined the Curia Cornelia was built there by Lucius Cornelia Sulla 52 b.c., the building that stand there today is from 44 b.c. built by Julius Caesar, so called Curia Julia.


I also explain the role of the Cornelii in the foundation of the Latin league, though it was the Etruscan priest Cornelius that sacrified the holy cow, holifying the Temple of Diana / Aedes Dianae Aventinae, upon the Aventine Hill, also called Collis Dianae, to mark the foundation of the Latin League, in the 7th c B.C., as it is said of the prophet, that:


That man’s city was destined to become the greatest in all of Italy and its mistress.


Cornelius had of course stolen the cow from a Sabian farmer, but once the cow had been sacrified of the hand of Cornelius, Rome became the city of all eternity. And it still is.


The worship of Diana has never really went away from Italy, during the medieval ages it was often worshiping of Diana that was the cause for the witches to be burnt, and even today the worship of her is often the case within Stregheria.


• On pages 660-662 is about the Cornelia family grave  Sepulcrum Scipionum and the linguistically important early latin inscriptions that are therein by Lucius Cornelius Scipio Barbatus, Lucius Cornelius Scipio, Publius Cornelius Scipio Africanus Publii filius Publii nepos. The father of Roman poetry, Quintus Ennius lies therein also, even though he does not seem to be a relative.


On p. 662 is also the names of many important authors during the classical era, where many is of the gens Cornelia.


• p. 665 mention that it was Carolus Magnus who put Latin forward again. I write about Latina mediaevalists but mention that the landulfid Thomas Aquino wrote in classical style, but somewhat modernised.


• p. 670 - that k.u.k. Otto von Habsburg supported the use of Latin, by using Latin on occassion, in the EU parlament.


• p. 676 - how Publius Cornelis Rufus become a senator and getting a triumph after the wars of 316 b.c. against the Samnites. A part of the gens Cornelia changed its name after that Lucius Cornelius Lentulus in the year 275 b.c. conquered the Caudinians why his family changed name to Caudinus. Here is also about the wars and conflict that led to that Lucius Cornelius Sulla performed an ethnic cleansing against the Sabines.


Sabines are probably maternal ancesters since Sabinae raptae, explained on p. 676, I also here again mention the episod of the Sabine farmers cow used to be sacrified by Cornelius making Rome the eternal city.


Gens Claudias ethnical heritage is proclamed, on p. 676-677, as probable Sabian.


• p. 679 - mention that emperor Augustus has his paternal ancestry from the former Volscian town of Velitrae.


• p. 681 mention that gens Flavia is of Pelignian foundation.


• p. 682 - mention that the colonisation went accelerating during Lucius Cornelius Sulla Flexis, so that the Latin language took over over the Marucinian language of the Marrucinian people. Also on p. 683 concerning Vestian language and people.


• p. 686 is about the Marsican / Marsian people, also mentioning that our Roman family of Colonna is still today considered as counts over the Marsians.


• p. 698 is about the third Punic war which ended with the destruction of Carthage by Publius Cornelius Scipio Aemilianus Africanus Numantiunus which get him a triumph, even though his powerful relative Publius Cornelius Scipio Nasica Corculum was very much against the destruction of the Carthagian city. Gaius Julius Caesar built up the city again, and was important for the evolution of the Nort african Latin and Roman languages.


• p. 699 mentions that when the Hautevillian king Roger II founded Regno d'Africa with the help of the African-Roman talking population of Tunisia.


• p. 703 I mention that the water cistern build by the last Roman-Numidian king Juba II and his wife the Ptolemaic princess Kleopatra Selene II, still is giving water to the population.


• p. 748 again I mention who built Aquileia, but now from the view of the Carni people.


• p. 749-750 about the wars of the Insubrians, and alliances with the Cenomanians, concerning Cornelius Scipio Calvus, Hannibal and Gaius Cornelius Cethegus.


• p. 752 mentioning that even though Lucius Cornelius L. f. Merula won the battle defeating the Boii people 193 b.c. he did not get a triumph probably because 5000 roman soldiers died in the battle. Cornelius Scipio Nasica then killed half the population in the year 191 b.c., why many Boiis fled, and put three roman colonies in the region, todays Bologna, Modena and Parma.


• p. 755 mention the Celtic king Voccio of Noricum whose sister married the Svebian duke Ariovist, and also for supporting Caesar 49 b.c.


• p. 757 Publius Cornelius Tacitus mention that the Cotini people are named Gotini, but speaking Gallic language not to be confused with the Germanic Goths / Gotones, but living among the Suebi tribes. It is believed that Marcus Aurelius forced some of them to move to Pannonia-bàs.


• p. 758 is about the Scordian warlike people, how they are mentioned first during Philip V of Macedonia but later on stopped and driven over Donau anno 88 b.c. by Lucius Cornelius Scipio Asiaticus, working under Lucius Cornelius Sulla Felix.


• On the pages 761-764 is about the Galatians and the kings, and their dynasties, that are a link between our Roman ancestry and the more ancient concering Egypt, Middle East and Anatolia, as explained above.


• p. 765 just mentioning that the most important source for the Galls are Comentarii de Bello Gallico by Julius Caesar.


• p. 766 is about the Celtic religion, and that emperor Claudius legislated against the druids. Also mentioning that many of the hereditary carateristic bishopsfamilies that come out in Gallia during the early Medieval times were probably of druid family ancestry.


• p. 767 about the story of the usurper Ulpius Cornelius Laelianus who was proclaimed emperor in the Imperium Galliarum anno 268 a.d. But also about the Franc-Merovigian who took the area after the battle of Soissons anno 486, also explaining that the southern France had its Gallo-Romance culture evolving into todays Occitania while northern France evolved with Merovignian influences giving todays French culture.


• p. 773 the wall of emperor Maximianus and the visitation of emperor Gratianus to Grenoble is mentioned.


• p. 774 about the plans of Publius Cornelius Lentulus Sura to start a civil war in all of Italy burning down the city of Rome to take imperial power himself. There was a prophecy saying that three cornelii should rule Rome, and he saw himself as the third after Lucius Cornelius Sulla and Lucius Cornelius Cinna.


• p. 755 mentioning that emperor Claudius was born in Lyon and that it was he who initiated that Gauls could become senatorians from 48 a.d.


• p. 779 about Caesars war and story about the Helvetians.


• p. 781-782 about the deeds of the Svebian king Ariovistus.


• p. 787 about Caesar who killed almost everyone of the city Avaricum.


• p. 796 about Caesars remarks concerning the Diviciacus, king of the Suessions, but also about the battle at the Catalunian plains anno 451 when the Romans fight together with the Visigothic king Theodorik I against the Hun Attila


• p. 799 mentions that Plantagenêt ruled their Angevin empire from Andecavorum.


• p. 803 how Caesar first attacked the Suessions, Bellovacians, Ambians and how the war went with the Nervii, Atrebatians, Atuatucii and Viromanduii, and then also the Eburonians, Nervii, Menapii, Morinians and Belgii.


• p. 804-805 about Charlemagnes native city Augusta Suessionum, about Caesars war and conquest over the Suessionii and the Viromanduians.


• p. 807 - Caesar et Augustus and the Morinians.


• p. 809 about emperor Germanicus Julius Caesar and their son, Caligula, in Augusta Treverorum, about this city in context of the family see also p. 810.


• p. 811 Cornelius Tacitus and Caesar in concern of the Nervii.


• p. 814 Caesar and the Menapii, and also the Merovingian Clodvig I who conquered the territory during the 5th century so the Menapiis where expelled and settled in par example Landen.


• p. 818, 820 how Publius Cornelius Scipio Aemilianus Africanus Numantiunus put an end to the Celtiberians power after the defeat of the city Numantia, but more war was to come by Julius Caesar and Augustus in Iberia.


• p. 821 - Cornelius Taciuts remark concerning taxes in Iberia and the duel between Publius Cornelius Scipio Aemilianus and Vaccaei king, and that he (Publius) later recieved corona muralis.


• p. 830 mentioning the wargod Cossus who was particularly big in southern Gallaeci.


• p. 834 mention the theory that says that Susarro people of the Asturians are by some called to be of Etruscan ancestry, I though mention their strong comittment and worship of the Gallaician and Cantabrian war god Cossus which could be connected to the Etruscan priestly family gens Cornelia whose old Etruscan name was just Cossus. The Etruscan name Cossus was probably a theonym which is seen in the Latin transformation of the name to Cornelia, via the diminuitive corneolus. I also point out that Cossus is worshiped in a relativly big area in Iberia but also that in northeastern basque-influenced parts are a worship of the goddess Losa / Loxa, which might be comparable to the Etruscan goddes Lasa / Laša.


• p. 835 about the Asturians concerning Barca's army, the Bellum asturicum and emperor Augustus, but also about Regnum Asturorum with the king Silo of Asturia, a relative and said do be of Péscian tribe, and the Svebian king Miro.


• p. 867 what Cornelius Nepos said about the Cantabrian tribes, then also their history concerning Gnaeus Pompeus Magnus, Julius Caesar and Augustus.


• p. 852 about when emperor Septimius Severus in anno 209 performed war north of Hadrianus wall, also later anno 210 again by the son of Severus, Caracalla, and later on, year 305, emperor Constantius I Chlorus. About the war, ambition, and mentioning of the Picts for the first time in the area.


• p. 857-858 About the Roman Gnaeus Julius Agricola and his war against the Ordovicians and ultimately his extermination of the whole people. Aslo about the information of Publius Cornelius Taciuts that the Silur people of Siluria, in southern Wales, was of Iberic stock.


• p. 860-866 is about different peoples, clans and dynasties of Irealand and Scotland, those that are connected to especially Uí Ímair could be considered relatives of the Lando clan.


• p. 874 about Lucius Cornelius Alexander Polyhistors remark concerning the druids.


• p. 890 about the white Huns and the Sassanid emperors Khosrau I and Peroz I.


• p. 898 I note that the dynasty of the Mitannis had many marriages with the Egyptian XVIII:th dynasty, as well as between these two and the Hittite royal dynasty and the one found in Babylon, the Kassites. The sigill of the Mitanni king Šauštatar are shown on p. 900.


• p. 908 about the role of Cyrus the Great and the Achemenids on Gandhara, and also about Chandragupta and his dynasty, also on p. 914.


• p. 927 about antiziganims excecuted by some of our relatives, including Frederick II of Denmark, Philip II of Spain, Holy Roman emperors Joseph I, Charles VI and empress Maria Theresa.


• p. 936 about Darius I and the imporant Behistun inscription, more interesting things about the Achemenids and Cyrus on p. 938-939, as well as the Medes.


• p. 940 about the revolt against Antiochus III in 220 b.c., the Cadusian in relation to Cyrus the Great and Younger, Darius III, and the Roman emperor Caracalla


• p. 941 concerning Sargon II and Alyattes of Lydia.


• p. 942 the relation between Cyrus the Great and the Amyrgii.


• p. 943 about the killing of Cyrus the Great, Ptolemaios III and the Arsacid dynasty.


• p. 948 concerning Constantin, later named also Sarmaticus Maximus, Constantin II and the Gotic princ Ariarikus in the doings with the Sarmatians.


• p. 949 I mention that Mithirdates and the brother Tiberius Julius Cotys I were of partly Julio-Claudian ancestry, about Mithridates II and Sogdia on p. 950.


• p. 951 about Chandragupta II who ended the Indo-Scythian era in northwestern India.


• p. 954 about emperor Justinianus I conquest of Rex Wandalorum et Alanorum but also mentioning that the Alanian nobility in Alania en masse get married to the Byzantic and Georgian imperial and royal dynasties during the Medieval time, one of the most famous are the Byzantic emperess Maria of Alania.


• p. 967 I mention that we can thank Albrecht von Preussen of the existence of the first and second catechism in the now extinct Old Prussian language. On. p. 969 is about different relatives war, genocide and extermination of the Prussian people and culture, not the least the Prussian crusade. The houses concerned here are the Piast, Přemyslid, Hohenstaufen and Hohenzollern.


• p. 973 how Julius Caesar used the term Germania as an geographical term. I also mention the possible etymology of the Germanic term *ger-manni as ‘spearmen’, which could be transfered as ‘the free men’, later on in history there are many Germanic peoples that have the spears or lances as holy weapons, including the Langobards, and for example Odin.


• p. 974 about that Cornelius Tacitus is one of the most credible writers on the subject of Germans. I put the Urhem in the southeast of Europe for the Germanic culture.


• p. 976-1009 is an insightful review of Germanic society, culture and religion. I have a lot of context from my maternal ancestry herein, but useful overall for Germanic culture.


• p. 979 Discussing the völva, their connection to goddess Frea, Odins wife, I mention that the Langobardic queen Gambara was a völva in conection with Frea.


• p. 980 about the sacral kingship and the story told by Cornelius Tacitus about the mythological origin of all the Germanic peoples with Tuisto as the primordial divine father, which is comparable to the Vedic Tvastar, the creator of the universe. Tuistos name perhaps meant ‘son of Tiu’, that is comparable to son of Zeus / Jupiter, and Tuistos son was named as Mannus, which is comparable to Indo-Iranian Manu who was the founder of the Moon- and Sun-dynasties. Mannus had three sons which lay the grounds for the Ingaevons, Herminons and Istaevons, that is Ing, Irmin and Istaev.


• p. 981-982 mention the name of the goddess in her Langobardic form, Frea, the Saxons own god Saxnot and the Gots ancestral royal sacral worship where the dynasty of Amali meant that they lined from Ansis and the god Gaut / Gapt, mentioning also the tradition with the goði / gyðja. Saying that the poetic wine- and wargod Odin had his stronghold in Saxland, particular in Slesvig-Holstein and northern parts of Niedersachsen, but from there spreading up to Scandinavia. Gaut is often also a synonym of Oden, and the Langobardic people seems to be named after the god as well. I define the god Oden from various aspects, especially pointing out that it was a god for the elite.


• p. 983 - that the brother of goddess Freja who is named Freyr who is connected to weather, agricultural, human sexuality, phallos and royal nobilité, coming with peace and pleasure to humanity, is believed togheter with some others to be the ancestor of the House of Ynglinga. I also tell that Cornelius Tacitus says that the tribe of Svebes sacrified humans and especially captured Roman soldiers to a goddes named Nerthus, that is mother earth. Nerthum was especially worshiped in Saxland and southern Jutland, p. 984


• p. 984 about Eric the Holy / Eric IX of Sweden and the procedures of his relics in a procession which is similair to the procession of Nerthus, the cult of Eric was the only allowed during the Reformation.


• p. 984 I also explain that the Scandinavian god Frej was son to the god Njord, and that Njord is etymologically the same as Nerthus, the god Frej also hade the name Ingunar-Frej, which eventualy could be connected to the Ingveonian etnonym.


• p. 989 I explain the death, from the Ynglingasagan, of the king of Ynglinga king Adil how he died with smashed head performing a rite at the blot of dis in Uppsala.


• p. 1002 our ancestral god Odin made love with the giantess Gunnlöð, the mead of poetrys defender, wich resulted in the god of eloquence Brage. There is a painting of the giantess there.


• p. 1002 about that the Chatti people had a very mixed culture of Germanic and Celtic grounds. I also mention that the Alemannic king Agenarich changed his name to Serapio after the Egyptian god Serapis.


• p. 1003 about when and which christian form different poeple adopted, the Langobards, the Franks under Clovis, the Goths, how the holy Joves ek  / Oak of Thor of the Chattis were torn down, the Saxons had their Irminsul which was destroyed by Charles the Great. King Sverker of Sweden was the last to see, and thank, the god Oden on an actual war battle, at the battle of Lena in the year 1208.


• p. 1004 is telling about that there are modern days follower of Odin and Freja in Italy with proclaimed influence of the Lombards, in Spain there is Templo de Gaut, the first temple of Odin in a 1000 years, with over 10 000 followers.


• p. 1010 how Cornelius Tacitus and Pliny divided the Germanic tribes.


• p. 1014 mentions that the earliest reference about the runic script was made by Cornelius Tacitus in his book Germania. The runic script is inself evolved from a northern Etruscan script, probably at Clusium. In 2018 I myself published a book written in Runic script, ᚢ ᛂ ᛁᚾ ᛁ-ᛁᛁ. ᚢᚾᛁᚴᛁᛏᛁ.


• p. 1020-1021 about the Ingvaeones ‘of Yngvi’ who lived in Jutland, Holstein, Friesland and the Danish islands, who had their ancestry from Mannus, son of Tuisto. Yngvi is also an old name for the god Frej, in Sweden known as Yngvi-Frej, potrayed as the paternal father of the royal house of Yngvi, and though also the houses of Munsö, Gorm and Uí Ímair, but also the Anglosaxon royal house of Bernicia, some people put forward that the name ‘England’ is from this Ing. In Íslendingabók it says that Yngvi Tyrkja konungr ‘Yngvi, king of Turkia’ which could be related to the information in Skjöldungasagan which says that Odin arrived from Asia and conquested parts of northern Europe putting his son Yngvi as ruler over Svea kingdom and the son Skjöldr as ruler over the Danes, therof the names Ynglingar and Skjöldungar. In Gesta Danorum as well as in Ynglingasagan is written that Freyr is king of the Sveas, in Ynglingasagan it says that Yngvi-Freyr ruled after his father Njöðr who took power after Odin, that one considerd Ynglinga to be a dynasty of Frej is put forward many times, but in Historia Norwegiæ one writes instead that Ingui was the first king over the Svea and that his son was named Neorth, grandson Froyr. Snorri Sturulson writes that Halvdan den gamle was father of Yngvi, many believe that Rollo / Ganger-Hrólf was lineaged from here, he who took Nesturia forming Normandie under his new name Robert I, whose descendent William the Conquerer conquered England.


• p. 1022 I mention that the house of Hohenstaufen under a long period of time advanced the Swabian and Eastern Franconian as language of the court. Also about the Istvaeones ancestry to Mannus and worshiping Tuisco.


• p. 1026 about the Cimbri and how Lucius Cornelius Sulla at the battle in Vercellae anno 101 b.c. defeated them.


• p. 1027-1028 about Julius Caesars doings and information about the Aduatuci and the Sicambri. The Salian franks sometimes in courtly speach said they were Sicambrians, for example it was mentioned that Clovis I, the founder of the Merovings, in his baptism anno 496 that he was a Sicambrian by saint Remigius: ‘Now you must bend down your head, thou proudly sicambr”.


• p. 1029 about the Tencteri and Usipeti, named first by Julius Caesar and Cornelius Tacitus.


• p. 1030 about the Bructeri who was fought by emperor Constantin in they years 307-308, they later allied with Attila. Some people believe that the Bructeri were the founding people of Ripoarian francs and Charlemagne.


• p. 1031 about Caesars war and information about the Eburoni.


• p. 1032 about the Vangioni concerning Caesar and Augustus, and that parts of the Vangioni also were part of the Langobardic migration to Italy, today visible by the countly dynasty Vagnone who ruled Trofarello in the vicinity of Turin in Piemonte, they are also probably agnatic descendent of queen Teodolina. They lived in their castle until 1980s.


The Vagnone is likewise as the Lando, an ancient clan tribe who came to Italy through the Langobardi and then took up the tribe name as family name.


• p. 1033 about Caesars information and doing concerning the Triboci.


• p. 1034 that it was emperor Flavius Claudius Iulianus Augustus / Julianus Apostata who gave permission to the Salian Franks to live in Toxandria.


• p. 1034-1035 about the naming of the city Cologne.


• p. 1039-1040 about the Chattis, and also explaining why the neighbouring people the Landoudioer / Landi sometimes are named as Svebs and sometimes as Chatti. Also about Cornelius Tacitus information concerning the Chattis.


• p. 1041 about the tribe people Lando / Landi / Landoudioi.


• p. 1043 about Nero Claudius Drusus Germanicus, and Germanicus Julius Caesar, and the Chauci, also about the comes saxonicum and come Theodosius, father of augustus Theodosius I.


• p. 1045 about the civil war by Constantius I and the impact on several Germanic populations inclusive the Frisii.


• p. 1046, about the name of the Saxons, related to the weapon of scramasax, also mentioned as the favourite weapon by the Langobards.


• p. 1047-1048 about when the Frankish king Theudebald died and the Saxons revolted, with the response of Chlothar I. Here I also define the smaller Saxon tribes, for example the Bardi, later called the Bardongavense, which is believed to be the Langobards who did not move south, they disappear after the 13th century. I also write about Charlemagne and the Franks conquest and colonization of the Saxons, about the Saxons war 772-804, and that they together with Chattier and Landi were among the peoples moving to Italy with the Langobards. One of the tribe, the Bardi, is probably behind the Italian Bardi where also Lode exists, which also is a Saxon nym, also in Valle d'Aosta exists the toponym Bard in the form of a castle built by the Theoderik I, of the Balti house.


• p. 1049 about how Nithard, the grandson of Charlemagne, potrayed the Saxon society. Charlemagne banned the Saxon thing and how he by force christianize the saxons ordinary people and the revolt that came about in the 840ts in the movement Stellinga with partly support by emperor Lothar I. Ludvig the German took in christian relics from Rome but the worship of Freja was still common untill 1100 th century.


• p. 1052 about the early Thuringians, the Hunnic element, and the Langobardic result, about the king Radulf and the involvment of Fara, the Agilofing.


• p. 1053 about the information giving by Landulfus Sagax concerning thee Turcilingians and also about the reason why the Amalian Ostrogoth Theodorik the Great invaded Italy and killing king Odoacer by his own hands.


• p. 1054 about the Quadians and Macrus Aurelius and Valentinianus I and the founding of the Svebian kingdom in Gallaecia by Ermenrich, most of the remaining Quadians follow the Langobard into Italy. Also about the foundation of the Agilofingian dynasty by Agiluf, the son of Hunimund, filius Hermanarici.


• p. 1055 about the Colonna di Marco Aurelio which was put on Piazza Colonna, in rione Colonna, in Roma, and the policy against the Marcomani.


• p. 1057 about the Svebian culture and society, for example the Svebian knot.


• p. 1059-1060 about the valcyrian Sváfa who perhaps were auntie to the dragonkiller Sigurd Fafnesbane, who was a Völsung, grandson to Völsung, king over Hunaland, which probably is Frankland / Francia which was sometimes called Hugones, or land of the Huns. The ancester Sigi, son of Odin, is also said to be king over Frakland. Sigurd fell in love with the shield maiden Brynhild, who many believe are the Visigotic Brunhilda, who by Merovingian marriage was queen of Austrasia, they beget the daughter Aslög who married the dane Ragnarr Loðbrok - known by the not historically correct TV-serie Vikings. Lodbrok is famous for having sacked Paris anno 845.  Two of Lodbroks and Aslögs sons are the founder of the Swedish, the Munsö dynasty of Svitjod, and Danish royal dynasties, and Aslög herself was descendent of Odin. These sons and the other sons within the same family were also the leaders of the Great Heathen Army / micel here that invaded East Anglia and the rest of England in the year 865, and after that also down to Pisa and the city of Luna, which they believed where Rome. Aslöga and Ragnars son Björn Járnsíða  / Bjorn Ironside is the founder of the house of Munsö which says to be part of the most Swedish royal dynasties as the son Sigurðr ormr ì auga / Sigurd snake-in-the-eye became king over Denmark and Scania, he was later father to Hardeknud, grandfather to Gorm the Old and primogenitor to the house of Jelling / Knýtlingahus which in its extension still rule Denmark, and Russia until 1917. I also explain the possible genetic mutation he had in his eye, his mother Aslög however thought it was a formation of Jörmungandr / the World serpent in Norse mythology.


• p. 1060-1061 about the Svebians in Iberia, first under king Hermerik. The grandson Rechiar married the Gotic king Theodoricus I, of the Balti dynasty. Here is also about the war fought by Thedoricus II, Gundioc et Chilperic. And the attack by the Visigotic king Leovigild against the Svebes in 570 which led to the Svebic incorporation to the Visigotic raum.


• p. 1061 about the Bucinobantes concerning emperor Juliuanus Apostata, Valentinianus I and the Frankish king Mallobaudes and Clovis.


• p. 1061-1062 about the Lentineses and emperors Constantius II and Flavius Gratianus Augustus.


• p. 1062 about the concequence of the withdrawal of the emperor Publius Licinius Egnatius Gallienus Augustus from Agri Decumates. Aslo about the famous battle in Argentoratum where the Alemanns were defeated by Julianus Apostata.


• p. 1063 about the Alemanns, for example that they ritually wore wolfclothes as the úlfhéðnar, and that Clovis conquered them, also of the revolt led by the Agilofingian duke of Alamannia, Theudebald who also invaded the dukedom Alsatia which was ruled by the Etichonidian duke Liutfrid. Carloman killed of thousands of the Alemanni gentry. Under the late Carolingian empire they again get local self rule, particulary under the dukes of Raetia Curiensis whereof the Hunfridingian duke Burchard I/II who founded Ducatus Allemaniae which was recognized by the Liudolfingian Henry the Fowler making it a stem duchy of the Holy Roman empire, the Svebian Hohenstaufen and the Etichonidian Habsburg later came from here.


• p. 1066-1076 is about the Langobards / Lombards, extensive informationen concerning them, about their history, origin, language, culture and society, big things and small things, for example that the word ‘pizza’ probably came from them, the relations with the Herulians and the Huns. The language is Irminonic but and old Saxon layer is visible, of the Italian languages it is Friulan who has the most influences from Langobardic. I describe king Albion and his invasion of Italy, pointing out also the multicultural setting of the Lombards, also seen in Albions own dyansty which was of the Gausian house, that is was Gothic. How the gods Frea and Odin changed the name of the winnili to become Langobards, with the involvment of the völva and queen Gambara, I discuss their original homeland and their movements through Europe, the myth about their name but tell that the name simply means Odin, though that was one of his name, Langbarðr, they were named or called themselves of their god, like the Odinists (as we could say the Christians, Muslims et cetera), according to Cornelius Tacitus they worshiped Nerthus before. The barði element they share with the Bardi-tribe, but also with the Heaðobard, probably the Herulians, and the Saxon toponym Bardengau. The similiarites between the story of origin of the Longobards and the Goths are extensive. That they were odinists is not only visible in the name of the people, also in the ordinary and well-influenced mystery of wolves, the animal that is most connected to Odin, for example in the Lando name before 1000th century, called Landulphi / Landulf / Landolfo where the second part means ‘wolf’, but not only in the name of the Landis but in many Langobardic names, for example the first duke of Friulia, Grasulf, of our lineage as well though, mostly comparable to the úlfhéðnar, the sacral and ferocious warriors of Odin, who had the spear as sacral weapon, as do the Longobards, for example seen in the royal dynasty of the Lombards who partly was named Gungingi after the lance of Odin, Gungir. The Langobards used the spear or lance ritualistic in many instances, in the ritual of coronation or in the decisionproclamation of the things when they hit the spears together so the sound echoed, that is in the gairethinx with the (in latin) frameas concutiunt. The Goths kings used the bears coat instead, incarnating the berserker. Ther is also a theory that the name come from the use of the halbard or the bardisch, many of germanic peoples have their names of either the gods or the weapons.


Here I also put forward a thesis of one of the oldest coat of arms of the Venetian Landos, a red with three silver hands, which we have together with the families of Mainardi and Loredan due to common origin. The symbol of the hands are in Christian times power, wisdom and trinity, but that is similair to Odins three words of power, wisdom and threefoldness, he is often called thriði. I also compare our arms of Lando with the wolflike of the Livlandic family of Lode (see pictures), which is of ancient Saxon origin living before their exodus in the territory of the Bardi tribe south of Anglen before they moved to Livonia in 12th century, but as it happens there is also a small village named Lode in Bardi, Italia.


The lombards are also connected to the dogs, as they sometimes are called the hundings, ‘son of dog’, according to a thesis the name winnili means ‘wild dogs’, the Lombardic king Lamichos names means ‘little barker’, it is also known that the Langobards dressed themselves in dog- or wolf dresses, like the ulfhednar.


I describe how alliances between dynasties was made, for example how king Tato, of the Leting dynasty, married first with the Thuringian princess Radegundis, then to the Gepidian princess Austrigusa, who also maybe was maternal princess of the Ostrogoths, and with the Herulian princess Silinga. The daughters Wisigarda married to the Merovingian king Teodebert of Austria and Waldrada married first with Theodebald of Austria but later with the Frankish king Clothar I and later still with Garibald I of Bavaria. Through this alliances Tato expanded his reich from Bohemia to Pannonia and was seen as one of the most powerful kings of Europe. Audoin who took the throne after the sudden death of Waltari, son of Tato, married an Ostrogoth-Thuringian princess. The Gausian king Audoin took the people to Pannonia becoming foederati of Byzantia, receiving much power and money of emperor Justinianus I, to fight the Gepids which they did many times, last with the Avars. The son of Audion, Albion, married Rosamund, the daughter of the Gepidian king Cunimund. The barbaric king Albion forced her to drink form his skull which he often bore in his belt, she later killed him. Funny is that this skull cups where in Lombardic named scala, as we in Swedish today say skål, when we toast.


I explain why they invaded Italy, but more importanty from our objective that the first part invaded was Friulia where the first Lombardic duke was initiated with Albions brother Grasulf, or his son Gisulf. When comming down to the south founding the principality Spoleto and Beneveneto with duke Zotto, the whole of Langobardia was divided in 36 dukedoms which explain why the Landos are everywhere in Italy, since they were part of the closly knit royal family. The kingdom itsels did not have a hereditary power but the kings was chosen by the different dukes, but it was always the same or a closly related family which had the throne.


About the Edictum Rothari is explained, as it is seen as one of the most archaic traditionally codex of the Germanic peoples, without influences of Roman law, even though it was quite late written down, anno 643. The law was prosecuted in a traditional gairethinx where the nobles oathly slung their spears together and towards the shields in a frameas concutiunt. The Langobardic law survived the longest in Lombardia and Toscana, and southernly Bari - in Bergamo was still during the 13th century a majority of the population under Langobardic law.


I explain what we know about the Langobardic paganic belief system, it is in landologists interest since it survived the longest in Benveneto where they worshiped Godan / Odin still in the 700th century with different goat rituals. The famous witches of Benevento, the streghe di Benevento / janara, during the 12th century and to this day is said to partly come from Langobardic culture in mix with the former worship of Isis that was in the area, as well as the goddess Diana, rendering the local name janara from dianare. But not just the paganic belief system but also the christianity that was to be special in the area with the benevento rite, forbidden by the pope Stefanus IX, the benevento liturgical song, the benevento script, alltogether developed in the monastery Monte Cassino which was founded and given land by the duke Gisulf II, the Terra Sancti Benedicti was an independent state between 744 and 1806, founded by Gisulf. I mention that one of the students at the convent was Thomas of Aquino, his father Landolfo, the count of Aquino, related to the German-Roman emperors and the royal houses in Aragonia, Castilia and France.


Of course I write about the Frank Carolus Magnus who in the year 774 took the northern Langbardland becoming rex langobardorum and later anno 800 being crowned Imperatur Augustus. How Spoleto and Benevento continued to be independent, after some vassalage, How Charlemagne took Spoleto but giving the area to the church witholding the right to proclaim the dukes, in the year 842 the area turned into a margrave where the expansiv Caroling-Frankish dynasty Guideschi / Widonen / Guidonen were to rule marrying with the Lombardic princess from Benevento. The dukedom disappeared during 11-12th centuries but the title remains with the house of Savoia. The principato Salerno exists until 11th century, where prince Guaimar III of Salerno founded the famous Schola Medica Salernitana. I of course tell the story of Principatus Capuae, how it was Landulf and the son Lando who built the new city of Capua, that they were related to the Gausian and Langobardic kings, how they ruled until the last independent prins Lando IV of Capua dethroned anno 1098 when the power went to the related Normandic dynasties, not just related through distant relations but via massive involvment through marriages in real time.


Here I explain the story of the Norwegian viking Hiallt who founded the Cotentinais-Normandic dynasty of Hauteville, Altavilla in Italian, just a baron at home but Robert Guiscard conquered principato Salerno 1078 marrying the last prins Gisulphs sister, the beautiful Sikelgaite, and her sister married Guiscards brother Drogo, and the new principato would be named Longobardo-Normanno. The son of Drogo and Gaitelgrima was one of the crusader during the first crusade, while the grandson Roger came to be a regent in the principato of Antioch. One of the other of their children, Olympios, married the emperor of Byzans, Constantinos Doukos, while Roger married the Frisian-Saxon Danish queen Adela. The cousin Roger II took later power. Twenty years after the Langobardic-Normandic development of Salerno also Capua became partly Normandic, but also here the Landolfids married en masse into the Normandic family, and still exist today. Here I mention that my own imperial family lineage is from the Langobardic-Friulian oldest lineage in Italy, moving out to Venice.


• p. 1077 is about the Franks with Charlemagne, but already important during the era of Bauto who became consul 385, his daughter Aelia Eudoxia married the Theodosian emperor Arcadius, a relative of ours. p. 1078 I explain that the Sali people and the Ripuarians lived apart until the Salian Clovis united the peoples.


• p. 1079-1081 about the different Frankish small kingdoms during 4th century, but specially about the kingdom in Tournai which was ruled by magister militum Aegidius, of gens Afrania and progenitor of Arnulf of Metz throug the grandson Flavius Afranius Syagrius. About Regnum Syagrii and the wars with Childeric I, Clovis I, the last also killed of all Frankish kings from the different kingdoms, why it is told that he in this matter also killed of all his family. He became christian 497 after he married the Burgudian princess Clothilde. With the Thuringian king Baderiks daughters Aregund and Ingund he beget the sons Sigebert I et Chilperik I and the evolvment of the different parts of the kingdom, Austrasia, Neustria and Burgundia, but the power of the Austrasian Arnulfingian clan, of Metz, more knowned as the Pippinids and Carolings mayed the power shift to the Rhine valley. Regnum Francorum was united again 613 by Chlothar II, son to Chilperic, but Pepin the short, by Pippinid and Merovingian ancestral heritage, took power from the other Merovingian last king Childeric III putting himself on the throne. How the country divided after the grandsons of Charlemange should take power, with Charles the Bald taking what to be France, Ludwig the German taking what to be Germany, and Lothair I taking Lotharingia, Provence and Padania.


I also explain about the mythology of the Merovingian how we are told to come from bestea Neptuni Quinotauri similis, which makes the founder of the dynasty, Merovech a half-god. And about the eventual meaning about the fleru-de-lis, the use of sacral lances, all pointing to a prechristian belief in Odin, and other things indicate a worship of Nerthus. A connection to the known tradition of the Chattis is existent also with the Merovingians since they were called the 'longhaired kings'


And the big impact of the Salian laws on Europe, still existent in the Netherlands where one calls the Queen a King formally. However, the Franks were early baptised and founded a lot of churches and convent but many churchly clerces still complained that the Merovingians still hold paganistic believes and traditions, and we could see in the Salic laws how the family, or clan / sippe, has a mega strong position, a person is defensless standing outside of his clan. This is not Roman law, this is altogheter a Germanic influence. They had also a very strong agnatic rule of succession, stil visible around Europe, but this I have to tell, is very unnormal from a Langobardic point of view, in our law all children equal inheritance, even the illegitimate born.


• p. 1086 about the Svebes / Svear, about the origin of the kingly house of Ynglinga from the god Frej connecting them to the Ingaevons, mentioning some of the often considered mythological kings thereabout and their wars during the 5th century, Egil Tunnadolg, Ottar Vendelkråka and Adil.


• p. 1087 about the Gauts / Götar. Their king Gauti, son of Odin, the sons Götrik and Ring, Götriks son Rolf and Ring whom get the son Herröd whose daughter Tora Borgarhjort married Ragnar Lodbrok. I also tell that it was in this country, Götaland, where the old Germanic belief system survived the longest, until 20th century and then has been revived again. I myself published in 2018 the book 𐌰𐌻·𐌲𐌰𐌿𐍃𐌹.


• p. 1088 writes about the Hervaras saga which says that the Scanian 6th century king Halvan the kind, of the Sköldunga house, had as maternal grandmother Heiðrekr, king of Reidgothia / Ostrogoths at Dnepr, and the son to Halvan, Ivar Vidfamne conquerd Sweden while the father of Heiðrekr was Angantyr who defeated the Huns at a battle, Hlöðskviða, with help of the sword Tyrfing, forged by the dwarfs, he is also seen as one of the forebear of the house of Munsö.


• p. 1090 Is about the story about the Longobardic king Tatos daughter Rumetruda killing Rodwulf brother, an Herulian from the kingdom Ran in the North. The Langobardic king Wacho later married Silinga who by many are believed to be the daughter of Rodulf who together beget the son Walthari who later on was killed by Audoin. Rodulf was a Herulian from the kingdom Ran, but is also the first person ever named with a name in historical sources from the North, he moved to Ravenna incorporating himself in the army of Theodorik the Great about the year 500.


• p. 1090 also about the Danes, their origin and the king Gorm the Old, of Lando lineage.


• p. 1090-1091 about Rollo, the Normand, and his origin and DNA. And then about the beset of England starting with Ragnar Lodbroks two sons Halvdan Ragnarsson and Ivar the Boneless who came to East Anglia, Northumbria and York. Halvdan was to be the first king of Jórvik and claimed countship over Dublin while Ivar is said to be the progenitor of the house Uí Ímair, still around today in the clans O'Donovan and Clann Somhairle.


• p. 1093 information concerning that the Visigothic king Alaric is from the Tervingic king Athanarik and that the Ostrogothic king Theodorik the Great is from the Greutungic king Ermanarik.


• p. 1094 about the Goths and the Huns intermingling. And about then emperor Marcus Claudius Tacitus  defeated the Goths and was later called Gothicus maximus, he also helped spread his relative Gaius Cornelius Tacitus work, otherwise we might not have known about it. I also tell that the Thervingi was ledd by the Balti family, and the Greuthungi by the Amali.


• p. 1096 writing that the Gothic kings during 360-370ts used to persecute the convertites to christianity, but not other people that were christians, meaning that the new faith should destroy the Gothic people. I here also explain the etnonym Terwingi with the germanic god *Tiwaz, that is *Teiws in Gothic. The House of Amali actively thought that the Æsir was their forefathers, and the ancestral worhsip with the Goths were significant. The Amalis thought that Gaupt / Gaut, or his ancient uncle Amal, in later ancient Nordic sources one equate Gaut to Odin why it is interesting to point out that in the Icleandic Edda writes that Odin has its origin where the Goths lived in the north of the Black Sea.


• p. 1097-1099 about the Goths, including the Amalian king Ermanerik, the Balti king Alarik I, Ataulf, Theodorik I, Alaric II, Theodegothas, Amalrik, Pelagius, Wittiza, and directly related Ibn al-Qūñiyya, Ildico the Gothic emirate hold by the Banu Qasi dynasty, the Franks Clovis, Clothilde, Audofleda and the Roman emperors Valens, Honorius, princess Galla Placidia. At page. 1099 I conclude after the storytelling about the Goths that about one houndred years after the Ostrogoths invaded Italy, or Amlungaland as it could be called, the Langobards came, from Pannonia as did the Ostrogoths, under the leadership of king Alboin who was of the house Gausi, a Gothis Amalian family whose wife Rosamunda was Gepidian-Hunnian in ancestry, with relation to Attila, founding the Langobardic kingdom, Regnum Italicum, later still came the Franks. The Ostrogoths assimilated to the Langobardic population, which later on assimilated to the Franks. All where Romanized.


• p. 1102 about the etymology of the name Goth, where one theory is that it is a theonym, though Gautr is a biname of Oðin why an ancient Odinism may be at hand, as the Amali house meant to descendent from Gautr while the Tervings eventually had the Týr / Teiws as their idol.


• p. 1105-1106 about Amalian princess Gisa who married king Feletheus of the Rugii. Later the Rugiland was under the Langobardic raum, then ruled by the Letingian Godehoc, king Feletheus and Gisa was executed in Ravenna.


• p. 1106 about the Herulians and how they were defeated by the Ostrogothic king Ermanaric and the Hun king Attila.


• p. 1107 mention that the Danish Sköldunga king Rolf Krake / Hrothulf is said to be the Herulian Rodulph., about the Herulians and their Odinism is also potrayed on p. 1106-1108.


• p. 1109 how Theoderik the Great killed Odoaker.


• p. 1110-1111 about the Bastarni and Marcus Licinius Lucullus and Gaius Antonius Hybrida, the last one often called 'the monster' is famous for his incompetence and tyranny. Also about Julius Caesar plans to invade the Getic kingdom, and imperator Augustus war against the Bastarni.


• p. 1112 about the Burgundian and their origin and history, emperor Valentinianus, prince Hariulf, and king Gundicar / Gunnar and the Der Ring des Nibelungen, Gunderic and the Svebiangothic Flavius Ricimers sister, Clovis et Clotilda, Sigismund et Ostrogotha and Suavegotha et Theuderik I.


• p. 1114 I tell about the Harii tribe who used to paint their naked bodies and armory black when they attacked during the nights, this is a direct cultural connection as well as the etymological to Odin and his einherjar, the warriors of Valhall, as well as Odins The wild Hunt, or Herlaþing as it is called in Old English. I make it notable that many of the Langobardic kings have names with this element har-, example Walthari, Authari, Rothari, the last one was a member of the House of Harodi / Hardodinger, there are also some toponyms in Slesvig-Holstein with the element, Harrislee and Großharrie, where both the Langobards and the Hariis origin.


I write about this because in Venice there is a clan called the Mainardi, who claim that all the Landos should be called Mainardi instead since we are the same family, they do not recognize the family name of Lando, this internal family feud has been going on for a thousand year, give or take - I actually found a family tree on the Internet where they had changed all the Lando names putting Mainardi instead in all of Venice history, doge Pietro Lando was named Pietro Mainardi, and so on. As we are part of the same family they share the red+silverhands coat of arms, as do the house of Loredan, but they also use another which is silver background with only one hand, a black one (see picture on page), potentially connecting it to their war outfit.


I write that the Holsteinian Mainardi name, which was earlier spelled Mainhardi, also having connections to the Bavarian-Huosian-Agilofingians Meinhardins, earlier called Meginhardi, 'megi' is magical power', who are related to the house of Harodi. With the name and the armor I suspect that this part of the family do belong to the etnicity of the Harii, while we consider ourselves part of the Landii tribe. The families have merged, under the Langobardic and Odinistic sphere, but the differences, and feud, are still here in full view in the 3rd millenia.


I took the liberty to use this armor, since we are the same family, as title picture in my book Censur af svensk og norsk media.


• p. 1116-1117 about Lucius Domitius Aurelianus, the Visigoth Geberic and Visimar, Godigisel, Gunderik, Genseric and the Vandals, Valentinianus, Eudocia and Huneric.


• p. 1120-1121 about emperor Flavius Marcianus Augustus doing concerning the Gepids but then also about the Byzantic alliance with the Langobards and the Gausi King Alboin who defeated the Gepids at the battle at Asfeld, thereafter Alboin made a skull cup of the Gepidking Cunimund's skull, he also married his daughter Rosamund who was forced to drink of the cup - but this treatment of the princess killed Alboin.


• p. 1128 I tell about the rather strange Slavic neopaganic movement called Ynglism / Ingliizm with main courter in Omsk in southern Siberia, they believe that our Yngy, that is Yngvi / Frej, the ancestor of the House of Ynglinga and the Ingaevones, is the primordial power from which the universe was created, they view the dynasty of Ynglinga as the noble patriarchs. They have several thousands of believers in Russia and Ukraine.


• p. 1133 about the Amalien Ermanaric who conquered the Antes, and crusified the king Boz and 70 of the leading nobles of the tribe.


• p. 1134 about emperor Constantine VII and Romanis I Lekapenos and the Melingoii.


• p. 1135 about the allied to the Carolingians, the Guduscanii, then also about emperor Heraclius, possibly an Arsacid descent.


• p. 1137 about the first historical duke of Poland, the Piast Mieszko I, on p. 1138 about the House of Piast and the alternative name of Poland, Lechia / Lechitae, and the eventual origin of the Piast from the Lachen / Lendians.


• p. 1139 about the wars between the duke of Piast and the Bohemian duke after year 990 whence Silesia went under Poland, important also for the tribes of Bobrzani, Golensizi and Opolani.


• p. 1140 about the ventures of the Piast concerning the Pomerania and the later conquest of the piast Boleslaw III, also his doings against the Prissani, also Mieszko I and Boleslaw I, as well as the Danish Mangus the Good, and Eric the Good.


• p. 1145 about the Hevellian princess Drahomíra, married to the Přemyslidian duke Vratislaus I.


• p. 1145 about Charles the Younger conquest of the Milcenians, aslo about Henry the Fowler and emperor Otto I.


• p. 1146 about the dynasty of Slavník who was related to the Liudolfings until they were massacred by the Přemyslids the 28th september of 995.


• p. 1148-1149 about the Rurikid Oleg of Novgorod concerning his doings against the Drevlians, later also about the Rurikid Igor and his widow Olga, the Saint Olga of Kiev, but who seems to be a tyrant.


• p. 1152 about Vladimir the Great and his defeat and policy against the Volhynians.


= Eurasiens språkfamiljer


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