lunedì 9 aprile 2012

Postmodern inledning - Postmodernisme premillénaire II

After some time, it happened that systems called liberal democracies came to be recognized as the most appropriate for the task of controlling events in whatever field they might occur. By leaving the programs of control open to debate and by providing free access to the decision-making roles, they maximized the amount of human energy available to the system. The effectiveness of this realistic flexibility has shown itself to be superior to the exclusively ideological (linguistic) mobilization of forces that rigidly regulated the closed totalitarian systems. In liberal democratic systems, everybody could believe what they liked, that is, could organize language according to whatever system they liked ... Given the increased self-control of the open system, it was likely that it would be the winner in the competition among the systems all over Earth.[1]
-Jean-François Lyotard.

[T]he status of knowledge is altered as societies enter what is known as the postindustrial age and cultures enter what is known as the postmodern age.[2]

As mankind approaches the end of the millennium, the twin crises of authoritarianism and socialist central planning have left only one competitor standing in the ring as an ideology of potentially universal validity: liberal democracy, the doctrine of individual freedom and popular sovereignty.[3]
-Francis Fukuyama.

Till denna sistnämnda historieslutkommentar kan man tillägga Laurents kommentar: “La démocratie de marché peut alors apparaître comme « la fin de l’histoire », et le social-libéralisme comme l’horizon indépassable pour nos sociétés” tilläggandes “A quel prix?”.[4]


[1] Se längre version nedan.
[2] Lyotard, The Postmodern condition, 1997:3.
[3] Fukuyama, The end of history and the last man, 1993:42, xi, xiii, 45, 211.
[4] Laurent, “Les architectes du social-libéralisme”, i Le Monde diplomatique, n° 534, 45e année, p. 27.


Axat från inledningen utav boken Postmodernisme premillénaire.


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